Convenient trading, detailed Reports at your fingertips,Portfolio Analysis and more
A convenient way to trade anytime, anywhere through our Pesso Mobile App. An advanced, fast, secured, reliable & fully featured Trading App for investors that gives deeper analysis & better trading experience. Let’s take a glance at some of its features.
A trend is the general direction at which the stock is moving. On Account of whether the market is bullish or bearish, the trends moves upwards or downwards.
Get global stock market, currency indices, commodity indices, sector indices trading data all at one place.
Click on the bottom alerts section and get latest news in the market through our app.
Staying up-to-date on the market is essential for every investor, and SVCM securities helps you view real time charts to get better insights.
Hassle free management of your funds according to your own convenience by knowing your actual available margin of funds in the account. Create an account and have access to manage your funds on your own.
Convenient trading, detailed Reports at your fingertips, Portfolio analysis and more
A hassle-free portal that offers quick and easy platform for complete e_KYC process
Get Access one of the largest and most active stock market of the world
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